Thursday, July 9, 2009

Pro-Gun control, is this what you are really trying to say?

Here are a few quotes from my last question in regards to how liberal gun cnotrol policies result in more violent crimes, lets take a look:

#1 "If there were an anti gun policy in place this foreign student would not have gone to a gun shop and purchased a gun BECAUSE THERE WOULD BE NO GUN STORE.

Let me make it simple NO GUNS = NO SHOOTING SPREE"

#2 "You're telling people to protect themselves FROM guns WITH guns.

Gun control laws seek to REMOVE guns from the entire picture."


Let me say this clearly and anyone who does not see where I am coming from please ask and I will clarify.

Do you truly believe that banning guns from being sold legally will in some way NOT allow criminals to obtain guns? Look at Washington D.C., some of the strictest gun control laws and yet the highest crime rates.

Getting a gnu on the black market is easy. These guns do not come from gun stores of gun shows, they come from other countries.

Pro-Gun control, is this what you are really trying to say?
Not sure if another answerer stated this, but has the ban on guns or gun control helped in ANY other country who has instituted it? Canada? No, actually the violent crime rates rose, and same with Austrailia. Criminals are not law abiding! All a law is going to do is disarm LAW ABIDERS! If you think disarming law-abiding citizens (which should be the ONLY way you're allowed to buy a gun: may I stress CITIZEN) then I'm bad and you should spank really...spank me!!
Reply:Bull ****. The US has the highest crime rate of all of the G9 countries and the most relaxed gun laws.

Canada hasn't had an increase in violence. I know I live here.

Gun control is not a magical wand which removes crime, you need to work on your social culture too. Report It

Reply:but remember if a robber breaks into your house and beats you up and doesn't have a gun and you protect yourself with a gun and shoot the person...YOUR the one that will get locked up! Report It

Reply:I love how David M just trhows numbers out there 30,000 last year like it was war in the US. Well David here are some accurate numbers in context.

Older people's gun deaths are most likely to be suicides. Suicides typically make up 56.5% of all gun deaths according to the Bureau Of Justice Statistics. In fact, drugs and suicides account for more than 2 out of every 3 gun deaths in the USA.

The Africa News.Net

Tuesday 13th February, 2007 (Samantha Power)

In the course of a hundred days in 1994 the Hutu government of Rwanda and its extremist allies very nearly succeeded in exterminating the country's Tutsi minority.

Using firearms, machetes, and a variety of garden implements, Hutu militiamen, soldiers, and ordinary citizens murdered some 800,000 Tutsi and politically moderate Hutu. It was the fastest, most efficient killing spree of the twentieth century.

More than half were killed with Machetes.

Gun Control Law Helped Campus Killer

Yet disarmament lobby and establishment media exploit tragedy to disarm more potential victims

Paul Joseph Watson

Prison Planet

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

In January 2002, a student at the Virginia Appalachian School of Law, Peter Odighizuwa, shot three people dead before other students were able to retrieve guns from their cars and put an end to the carnage before there was more bloodshed. Over thirty victims at VA Tech yesterday were denied that right as a result of a campus gun control law that helped the shooter pick off his targets at will.

A bill in the Virginia legislature last year that would have allowed students with concealed weapons permits to carry their guns at schools was killed, with VA Tech spokesman Larry Hincker heralding the move as action that would "help parents, students, faculty and visitors feel safe on our campus." How hollow those words sound now in light of eyewitness reports of how victims had to cower under desks as the killer calmly approached, their only means of defense throwing chairs or risking their lives by escaping out of high-rise windows.

"Isn't it interesting that Utah and Oregon are the only two states that allows faculty to carry guns on campus. And isn't it interesting that you haven't read about any school or university shootings in Utah or Oregon? Why not? Because criminals don't like having their victims shoot back at them," Gun Owners of America's Larry Pratt said yesterday. "That's why the American people want an end to this ineffective gun ban."

85% of Americans support the right of a principle or a teacher to have instant access to a safely stored firearm in order to defend the lives of students and prevent a school massacre, but a drive is already underway to disarm more victims and grease the skids for more horrors similar to what unfolded yesterday.
Reply:No - guns will always be available to those that want them. UK banned handguns and there are probably more now than when they were legal!

Attitude is what counts - Just look at the postings here defending the second amendment to Bear arms when 30,000 Americans are shot dead each year- that's right 30,000!!! 3,000 last month!!

If a knife is available someone will use it. If a baseball bat is available someone will use it. There are more guns in the US than there are people - work it out!!!
Reply:well, i'm a liberal and let me answer that by choosing to ignore all logic, reason and facts... HALLIBURTON! oops, sorry, wrong talking point... Stop Global Warming Now! damn, wrong one again... oh, here it is, we need to take away guns to protect the children! (i mean the ones we don't abort.)
Reply:I think are current policies are actually pretty good for American society. Someone determined to kill will kill.
Reply:When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns. Nuff said.
Reply:Gun Control Advocates are like religous zealouts. There is no negotiating with them; and sadly some times the pro guy lobby is the same way. Its sad that when you bring up factual information like in the book: "More Guns Less Crime" people wack out and can't discuss things rationally. The gun laws of Virginia are not to blame - the young man from Korea is to blame.

Oh really? Most liquor store owners I know (and I do know a few...long story) have a gun. And I think robbers know that. It doesn't stop them.

So you're saying because guns are available, we should just forget about regulating them at all? With that logic, we should legalize all drugs, allow people to buy bomb-making equipment at the local K-Mart, and allow kiddie porn websites to flourish (they'll always be around, so why try to regulate them?).

Washington D.C. gun-related crime has actually dropped. It has high crime statistics, yes, however with auto theft and burglary accounting for most of it.

Mentally disturbed man with a gun--Bang bang, people die.

Mentally disturbed man without a gun--silence
Reply:Here is another one for your list:

What if the student couldn't get a gun but instead, he got into a car and drove the car into a large crowd to students ?

Why not ban cars ?

There are all sorts of deaths that have been caused by crazed drivers, drunk drivers etc.

There have been more deaths caused from cars than with guns.

Why not ban automobiles ?

Everybody could get a job near home and walk to work.

No more air pollution which also causes death.

Did I get my message across ?
Reply:Firearms do not kill people. People kill people. End of transmission
Reply:My dad's been saying this for years. "If a kid wants to sneak a gun into school, they'll find a way."

Did you know in Japan, they think we all carry guns and people are shot all the time? I mean, they are, but it's not that common.

I agree with the whole thing about guns don't kill people, people kill people. I mean, he could've gone around stabbing people with a sharpened Bic pen if he'd wanted to kill.
Reply:I agree! I'm especially vehement on this issue because it takes protection away from civilans and gives criminals a HUGE advantage.

Marijuana may be illegal, but that doesn't stop drug dealers/addicts.

Prostitution may be illegal, but that doesn't stop pimps or hookers.

Likewise, gun control isn't going to stop a criminal from buying a gun on the black market.

(I'm not saying that we should legalize drugs or prostitution. The point I'm trying to make is that criminals do not operate by the law. If they did, they wouldn't be criminals!)

HOWEVER, I do think you should be required to get a permit, license, or some other registration in order to purchase a firearm. And I would strongly encourage gun safety classes. (maybe make it a requirement for getting the permit?) If you don't know how to handle a firearm, you are much more likely to hurt yourself than a criminal.

*edit* About the VA Tech incident... Cho was seriously messed up. A gun was just a TOOL to do what he wanted to do. Even if he didn't have access to a gun, he could just as well have rigged a homemade bomb with ingredients purchased from the local stores, and detonated it inside the school with far more devastating results.

Now, if the staff and the students had had guns, and they fired at Cho before he had a chance to hurt more people, I believe the casuality rate would have been MUCH lower. Simply put, the best defense against a gun... is another gun!
Reply:Do you blame those who have for those stealing? If no one had bread no one would steal it.. Maybe we should ban food?

If no one owned automobiles, there would be no need for gasoline. This would reduce car thefts to zero.

If we banned guns, the knife fights would more than triple. Maybe we should ban rocks from the planet.

Most of us do not need guns... and do not need them. I do not hunt. I have no need for a gun.

When I find I need to protect my family and home, I want to have the ability to obtain the necessary weapons to do so.

THE REASON THE CONSTITUTION CONTAINS THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS is to ensure we have the ability to protect ourselves from both foreign and domestic tyrants.

I am sure if your loved ones were to be attacked and the government took the tools to protect them, you would be screaming you cannot protect yourself.

One last thought....Knee jerk reactions assist no one. It was a tragedy what happened at the VA campus it would be wrong to jump to conclusions and make it easier for foreign tyrants to take over this great experiment.
Reply:Have Gun, Will Travel (True event, to this day): A man lives in Kennesaw, Georgia, and everywhere he goes, he keeps a .357 revolver in a holster, upon his side, in plain view. He claims to have never been in a place where a crime involving weapons has ever occurred, while he was present.

Reason being? Primary Deterrent: The criminal saw the man with a portable cannon on his hip, and thought twice about committing a crime. A weapon is used by most criminals as a threat. If they see someone who blatantly and openly carries a weapon, they, more times than not, will not chance that they will be killed by the other person, while trying to get what they want. They will move on. THAT is a fact quoted by PD's, nationwide.

In regards to VT, Cho could just as easily used a crossbow with a speed-loader clip, and there are exceptionally few laws to cover that, due to it being an "arcane weapon". If guns are outlawed, people will move to the next viable option, if not just outright becoming a criminal and buying an illegal firearm.
Reply:Gun Contol has not worked in any democratic country that has tried it.

Bill Clinton loved the killings at Columbine.

It gave him an excuse to pass gun control laws.

He knew that they would make no difference.

It's just playing politics.
Reply:People are reactive. Some reactive people are just stupid.

For example, this tragic thing happens, people look for causes, and then come to the conclusion that the guns were why those people died. WHY are we not talking about mental health and prevention services?

Someone mentally ill enough to go out and purchase guns and then kill 32 people and then himself will not be stopped from carrying out his massacre because of any gun control laws. It's really easy to figure out how to make homemade bombs, and that is what people like Cho would resort to if they couldn't find firearms.


"Virginia Tech shooter Cho Sueng-Hui was admitted to a hospital for treatment of mental illness in 2005 because he was "an imminent danger to himself," according to court documents."
Reply:I agree with you. Anti-gun laws are for idiots. When we allow the government to be the only entity to have guns, then people, you have given up ALLof your freedoms !!!!!!! Warrantless raids, illegal search and seizures, will become the norm. When the government says jump, you will jump, or you will go to a prison camp !!!! It is not fantasy, it will be real, soon!!!!!!

Why didn't the VT victims, fight back? If I was there, that psycho would have been eating a chair with his pie face!!!!!

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