Thursday, July 9, 2009

Can't seem to get this to work, please help!?

I am using Gnu 2.1.73 and SciTE

fprintf('\nThis program solves the equation ax^2+bx+c=0 for x.\n\n');

a = input('Enter the coefficient a: ');

b = input('Enter the coefficient b: ');

c = input('Enter the coefficient c: ');

(d = b^2+4*a*c);

if (a==b==c==0)

fprintf('all possible solutions\n');

elseif (a==b==0)

fprintf('no possible solutions\n');

elseif (d %26lt; 0)

fprintf('no real solutions\n');

elseif (d==0)

x = -b/(2*a)

fprintf('%3.2f.\n', x);

else (d %26gt; 0)

(x1 = ((-b+d^1/2)/(2*a)));

(x2 = ((-b-d^1/2)/(2*a)));

fprintf('The quadratic equation has two solutions:');

disp([x1 x2]);


Can't seem to get this to work, please help!?
Possibly because you forgot a semicolon here? I don't know this syntax, but if it requires a semicolon after certain lines then...

fprintf('no real solutions\n');

elseif (d==0)

x = -b/(2*a)

fprintf('%3.2f.\n', x);

else (d %26gt; 0)

x = -b/(2*a) does not have a semicolon after it.

If I could answer that, I wouldn't need my TI-84 Plus!!!!

Hell, I barely passed general math!
Reply:the math is good.

i don't know the syntax for what you're using, but the ecuation solving is correct.

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