Saturday, May 9, 2009

I would like to begin programming open source C++ code for Linux, where should I begin?

I have been programming in Visual C++, Dev C++ and other windows versions of code. I heard about the open source community and really like Knoppix and devices like Freenas and would like to begin making my transition into compiling and coding from within Linux, using the Gnu compiler stuff where should I begin looking?

I would like to begin programming open source C++ code for Linux, where should I begin?
I'm a computer science major at the university of louisiana at lafayette. Our computer lab that we write our programming assignments all have linux enviornments. Our introductory level course is taught in C++.

There are two main compilers that we use. one is the GNU compiler (g++). I'll reference the link for the website.

Reply:ummm C++ is the same on Linux and Windows.

Dev C++ uses the G++ compiler. So does the linux server I upload all my projects to at the school.

I write all my projects on DevC++ and run and test them on my computer. Then when I'm finished, I upload them to the linux box at the school and usually work. If they don't, it's usually a minor thing I need to fix that I forgot about. Like system("PAUSE");


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