Saturday, May 9, 2009

I would like to begin programming open source C++ code for Linux, where should I begin?

I have been programming in Visual C++, Dev C++ and other windows versions of code. I heard about the open source community and really like Knoppix and devices like Freenas and would like to begin making my transition into compiling and coding from within Linux, using the Gnu compiler stuff where should I begin looking?

I would like to begin programming open source C++ code for Linux, where should I begin?
I'm a computer science major at the university of louisiana at lafayette. Our computer lab that we write our programming assignments all have linux enviornments. Our introductory level course is taught in C++.

There are two main compilers that we use. one is the GNU compiler (g++). I'll reference the link for the website.

Reply:ummm C++ is the same on Linux and Windows.

Dev C++ uses the G++ compiler. So does the linux server I upload all my projects to at the school.

I write all my projects on DevC++ and run and test them on my computer. Then when I'm finished, I upload them to the linux box at the school and usually work. If they don't, it's usually a minor thing I need to fix that I forgot about. Like system("PAUSE");


What is the output of C++ pointer variables with cout?

Consider the following program:

#include %26lt;iostream%26gt;

using namespace std;

void f(char* %26amp;c);

void g(char* myString);

int main()


char myString[10] = "Midterm";

char *tempPtr;


cout %26lt;%26lt; myString %26lt;%26lt; endl;

cout %26lt;%26lt; tempPtr %26lt;%26lt; endl;




cout %26lt;%26lt; myString %26lt;%26lt; endl;

cout %26lt;%26lt; tempPtr %26lt;%26lt; endl;

return 0;


void f(char* %26amp;s)



cout %26lt;%26lt; s %26lt;%26lt; endl;


void g(char* myString)



cout %26lt;%26lt; myString %26lt;%26lt; endl;


On gnu compilers, this is the output:








Now, my question is, are there any implementations of C++ that only output what the pointer variable is pointing to? (i.e. not including the the following characters of the array?)

For example, are there any implementations that would make this be the output:








Any light on how pointer variables are output will be appreciated!!!

What is the output of C++ pointer variables with cout?
No, cout will always print all the characters of char*'s until it hits a null.

You need to dereference the char* to an individual character before cout'ing it to get what you want:

char str[10] = "Midterm";

cout %26lt;%26lt; *(str+3) %26lt;%26lt; endl; // This outputs 't'

And while cout function is included with most compilers it is NOT part of the language, but just a library of standard code people find useful to use.

(eg I can use c/c++ to code for my nokia phone but as there a gui and no commandline there no cout function provided in the dev kit!)

You need to change your code not the compiler of course!!! Just tested and MS Compiler gives same results, as you should expect!

C/C++ work with null terminated strings. And arrays are treated in many ways as little more than your tempPtr pointer.

So you reserved 10 bytes for your string, the first 7 chars are the letters then theres a 0/null byte, and the next 2 bytes are uninitilised(we cant be sure what values they could take at runtme.

Now cout treats any pointer to or array of chars the same it output the charaters in the order it finds them until it comes to a null valued byte. if we initialse out array as say {M','i','d','t','e','r','m'} we'd need to add a ,0 or cout would just keep going through memory writing what if finds until it eventually finds a zero or the program crashes(the OS should throw an exception if tries to read outside the part of memory given to your program)

If given a char though not a pointer to a char then it'll give just that char.


cout *(myString+1);

prints only the letter "i"


cout %26amp;myString;

shows the memory address used for myString.

Remember the referencing and dereferencing operators?

Wait - but for more than one char to be output but not the whoile string you need a suitably sized buffer(the final substring size + 1 char for the null) and would memcopy the bytes into it and the set a null at the end before sending it to cout.

I know programming atmel mcs in assembler,know almost nothing of C,need some free or cheap IDE for atmel in C?

if possible, no gnu or gcc ,fast deploy required with the minor troubleshooting and has to be C or CPP for the fun of it. free ebooks or books source appreciated, or cheap ones.

I know programming atmel mcs in assembler,know almost nothing of C,need some free or cheap IDE for atmel in C?
Eclipse with C/C++ plug-ins

Why would my gdb debugger show me this error? c++?

Here is the error it gave, in my main program the first line is to just cout%26lt;%26lt; 1; It won't even do that without pausing for a long time then giving me a segmentation fault. Anyways here's the error:

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.

0xff358948 in std::string::_Alloc_hider::_Alloc_hider (this=0xf9018000,

__dat=0xff385ecc "", __a=@0xffbff710)

at /export/home/jco/gnu-sw/src/gcc-3.3.3/sp...

228 /export/home/jco/gnu-sw/src/gcc-3.3.3/sp... No such file or directory.

in /export/home/jco/gnu-sw/src/gcc-3.3.3/sp...

Current language: auto; currently c++

Why would my gdb debugger show me this error? c++?
Yahoo reformats things in ways that are not optimal for programming discussions.

In any case, even if your stuff can across intact it would be hard to figure out the error from the error messages alone. Just post the relevant code. If you are barfing on something like "cout %26lt;%26lt; 1" then it is likely something crazy.

Easy visual C++ express edition question any programmer will know....?

I am starting to code in windows instead of linux, in visual C++ where is the compile button??? how do you compile code??? Also, in GNU compiler to use things such as vectors and strings you use:



in visual C++ does it want you to always use:




If i wrote my own class would I put






Easy visual C++ express edition question any programmer will know....?
In Visual C++ .NET, you compile individual projects by selecting Build -%26gt; Compile (or Ctrl+F7).

To compile an entire solution, you select Build -%26gt; Build Soultion (or F7).

To debug a solution (which compiles the solution and runs it using a specialised .NET framework for debugging, you select Debug -%26gt; Start Debugging (or F5).

Windows header files are generally put in the format '#include %26lt;windows.h%26gt;', although C++ native headers, like iostream, can he put in the format '#include %26lt;iostream%26gt;'.

Classes you create must be in the format '#include "myclass.h".
Reply:I'm just a newbie in Visual C++, but this is so far i know :

Compile = Ctrl+F7 (build menu)

Run without debugging = Ctrl+F5 (debug menu)

In Visual C++ i use :

#include %26lt;iostream%26gt;
Reply:1. Express doesn't have an IDE. You have to compile from the command line.

2. The include... .h forms are being deprecated in favor of include %26lt;vector%26gt;. Internally they'll probably refer to the .h anyway.

3. If you use "myclass.h" it will have to be in the current directory or have a fully qualified .h file name. If you use %26lt;myclass.h%26gt; it will have to be in the path specified by the compiler or by an environment variable (not sure which).
Reply:You can compile and run your code 2 ways

1. choose Build Solution under build

choose Start Debugging (or Start without debugging)

under debug

2. click the green triangle on the standard toolbar

The difference between header files with the .h extension and those without it, is whether or not they use namespaces. Those with the .h do not use them. Also, the .h versions of some header files are being phased out in newer compilers.

iostream.h is one of these files.

The quoted include files are used to include files that are not in a path the compiler can see. The angle brackets are used for files that can be seen. So you should use quotes for your class.


Help with C++ Compiler?

Hi, how can i compile a C++ program were my friends can use it without

having to download any additional software.

I have been using microsoft visual studio 2008 but the only way my friends are

able to execute that file is by downloading visual studio also.

- What is the best compiler to use for C++ and were can i find some help

getting it set up, because i used the code::blocks compiler early today and it

seems as though you have to have a diffrent compiler like microsoft 2008 or

the gnu compiler... All i want is some information like that.

- also how do you add an icon to your C++ file that you compiled.

My Friends and Family are either running windows XP or Vista so my main goal is to

get a compiler to were there operating system already contains the nessessary files

to run the compiled C++ program.

I am farly new to C++ if you can not tell.

Thanks in advance.

Help with C++ Compiler?
You do have everything. VS is all you need.

In VS go to the build options. In the options, set the build to "release" and not debug.

If you are writing a MFC program (don't think so; however, just in case), look under the project settings tab build configuration and set to "statically linked MFC library" instead of "dynamically linked." This second step will bind the MFC library to your exe (this one is different on different win machines).

Probably step 1 will solve your problem.

Now, just copy the ".exe" file from your \release\ folder and give it away. You're good to go.

Good luck.

EDIT: just saw the icon reference. In the project resource viewer, open the icon folder. There should be a program icon already in the folder--edit away. Or you can add a new one and do some whiz bang graphics with it!
Reply:You are really lost. Try worrying less for a start. Then know this...once you compile a C++ program, you can run the exe file on almost any computer that is MS compatible.

Try Visual Studio
Reply:You should be able to compile a program on VS express that runs on any Windows computer. You need to be sure you're building a .exe file. In VS 2008 it may require that .Net 3.0 or later is required on the target system (your family's and friend's) They can download this from Microsoft. Also you can build debug or release version in VS you should build release versions for other computers. If your program still require them to have VS to run then you need to look at your build settings and references. Make sure that you are building an exe file and that the references don't refer to something you aren't expecting in the target environment.

Commercial C/C++ Compiler for Linux?


Can anyone recommend C and C++ compilers that may be used to compile binaries for commercial (non-GNU) distribution? I'm primarily familiar with GCC and G++, but given that these are both GNU products, I'm pretty sure using them to compile commercial software (for which the source is not publicly available) would be prohibited?

Commercial C/C++ Compiler for Linux?
First, it's not only legal, expected, and

encouraged to use GNU compilers for commercial

software, but it is common practice by *many*

software vendors. The software is free, but you

have to pay if you want support (typically to


Second, GNU's not the only game in town. Sun has

made it's suite of SunStudio tools available on

Linux (as well as on Solaris) via the same

model. The software is free to download and use;

you pay Sun if you want support. Start at:

Finally, if you want more options, check out the

compilers from the "Portland Group" and from

Intel (icc).
Reply:Intel has a well-known C/C++ compiler for Linux.

But in reality, you can simply use gcc. As long as you don't link to a GPL library, you should be fine. LGPL libraries are okay, as long as you don't change anything in the libraries.

C++ stddef.h error?

kinda new to c++, so take it easy if the question seems really noobish. I have Dev-C++, and when I try to compile a program, another tab comes up with the first line saying this:

// -*- C++ -*- forwarding header

this is then followed by a GNU thing that doesnt really matter

However, when I scroll down, there is a compiler error in a line that reads #include %26lt;stddef.h%26gt;. Remember, this is in the NEW tab, NOT my source file. Anyways, it wont compile, any reasons y? im running vista btw

C++ stddef.h error?
"However, when I scroll down, there is a compiler error in a line that reads #include %26lt;stddef.h%26gt;. "

What is the error?

Dev-c++ question?

whenever i start or try to compile there is an error that says there isnt a gnu make file in PATH or in dev-c++s bin path. says to adjust settings so it contains the correct file and such name what do i do

Dev-c++ question?
Did you download Dev-C++ 5.0 beta 9.2 ( (9.0 MB) with Mingw/GCC 3.4.2, and not Dev-C++ 5.0 beta 9.2 (, executable only (2.4 MB)?


What does the following error message in Dev-C++ mean?

There doesn't seem to be GNU Make file in PATH or in Dev-C++'s Bin path. Please make sure that you have GNU Make and adjust Bin setting or system PATH environment variable and that make setting in Compiler Option contains correct filename, otherwise you will not be able to compile anything.

What does the following error message in Dev-C++ mean?
Check you environment variables (command: env). Particularly $PATH (command echo $PATH) - GNU make needs to be in one of the directories in the $PATH list. If it isn't, you need to install GNU make in one of those directories, or adjust the PATH environment variable to point to where GNU make is.
Reply:Sorry. This is one of those problems I'd have to be sitting down at the console to figure out. Report It

Reply:it is best to buy a new computer. expensive? yes, but a sure fire fix--------------------mahallo
Reply:The MAKE utility reads "make" files (lists of C++ programs, third-party libraries, etc.), and uses them as instructions for how to compile programs. Normally, when you run MAKE from your development environment, it calls this program which actually does the MAKE, which calls the compiler, linker, etc., as needed (your make file may include references to already-compiled programs -- i.e., obj's -- that have not yet been linked to your code). If the development environment attempts to locate the MAKE utility, it will look for a variable in your environment that says where to look for this file, then it will check the location of your binaries (compiler exe, etc.) next. If it doesn't see the MAKE utility in either of these locations, you will get this error.

A C++ comping error or something, could someone please help?

When I try to compile my simple C++ script(i'm a newbie), it gives me the following error: (There doesn't seem to be GNU make file in PATH or in Dev-C++'s Bin Path). Then it tells me something about adjusting bin settings or system environment variable. Can anyone help me with this? Seriously.

A C++ comping error or something, could someone please help?
Yes, but it hard to figure from your limited description what it is not finding. A couple of possibilities: (1) it is not finding the makefile; (2) it is not finding the program "make".

If you are not find the program then add the make program's path to your PATH variable.

If you actually have a makefile, and you are compiling from the current directory but it isn't finding it then either 1) prefix the path on the commandline (i.e. make -f ./makefile) or (2) add the shortcut to your current directory (".") to your path statement (e.g. PATH=$PATH:.)
Reply:Can you paste the code that you are using or the line that its referring to?

Dev-C++ Error?

I get this

There doesnt seem to be GNU make file in PATH or in Dev c+++'s bin PATH PLease make sure that you have GNU make and adjust bing setting or system PATH enviroment variable and that make setting in complier option contains correct filename otherwise you will not be able to compile anything

How do i fix this?

Dev-C++ Error?
Put a GNU makefile in the path where Dev C++ is looking for - set the directory correctly...

Dev-c++ complier problem?

No matter what I do it can't find system file.

When I start it up,it says 'There doesn't seem to be GNU Make file in PATH or in Dev-C++'s Bin path.Please make sure that you have GNU Make and adjust Bin setting or system PATH environ variable and that make setting in Compliler Option contains correct filename, otherwise you will not be able to compile anything.'

So,what should I do?

I have a Home Edtion WinXP.

Dev-c++ complier problem?
Redownload it WITH the MinGW.


DevShed says it can't find GNU Maker!?

Ok, I want to start to get going with Direct X programming and now Dev C++ is telling me it can't find GNU Maker! What am I supposed to do?

DevShed says it can't find GNU Maker!?

(Install Visual C++ Express. C++ compiler that makes it very easy to work with DirectX.)

(Install Platform SDK. Work with Windows applications.)

(Install DirectX SDK. So you can write programs with DirectX.)

It sounds like you have no previous C++ programming experience. DirectX apps are just an application of C++. Consider learning C++ first, preferably from a good book, before going after DirectX.

How do I compile C++ program in windows ?

is there any free or GNU g++ type compiler to compile C++ program in windows vista ?

How do I compile C++ program in windows ?
install cygwin, it has ports of g++ available that will compile under windows.
Reply:Microsoft Visual C++ Express may be useful:

You could try Dev-C++. It's what I use and I've never had any problems with it. It comes with MingW (A minimalist GCC port to Windows), so you don't have to deal with setting your own compiler up. There's also CodeBlocks, but I don't have any personal experience with that IDE.

C++ ifstream stream question?

This is my function:

DU_parser::DU_parser(const string %26amp; filename)


this -%26gt; filename = filename;

ifstream in;; //Line 35




this is my error:

ian@ian-laptop:~/Desktop/assn5_framewo... make

g++ -W -Werror -Wall -pedantic -ansi -c -o du_parser.o du_parser.cpp

du_parser.cpp: In constructor ‘DU_parser::DU_parser(const std::string%26amp;)’:

du_parser.cpp:35: error: no matching function for call to ‘std::basic_ifstream%26lt;char, std::char_traits%26lt;char%26gt; %26gt;::open(const std::basic_string%26lt;char, std::char_traits%26lt;char%26gt;, std::allocator%26lt;char%26gt; %26gt;%26amp;)’

/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.1.2/../.... note: candidates are: void std::basic_ifstream%26lt;_CharT, _Traits%26gt;::open(const char*, std::_Ios_Openmode) [with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traits%26lt;char%26gt;]

make: *** [du_parser.o] Error 1

Can anyone help me, please? Thanks a ton!


C++ ifstream stream question?
Did you include fstream.h at the top of the code?

Error: gnu/stubs-32.h: No such file or directory when using "make menuconfig" or "make xconfig"

I'm trying to recompile the kernel but I can't get to the config menu.

After downloading and extracting:

zer0ne:/tmp/linux-2.6.19# make menuconfig

HOSTCC scripts/basic/fixdep

In file included from /usr/local/include/features.h:346,

from /usr/include/sys/types.h:27,

from scripts/basic/fixdep.c:105:

/usr/local/include/gnu/stubs.h:7:27: error: gnu/stubs-32.h: No such file or directory

make[1]: *** [scripts/basic/fixdep] Error 1

make: *** [scripts_basic] Error 2

zer0ne:/tmp/linux-2.6.19# make xconfig

HOSTCC scripts/basic/fixdep

In file included from /usr/local/include/features.h:346,

from /usr/include/sys/types.h:27,

from scripts/basic/fixdep.c:105:

/usr/local/include/gnu/stubs.h:7:27: error: gnu/stubs-32.h: No such file or directory

make[1]: *** [scripts/basic/fixdep] Error 1

make: *** [scripts_basic] Error 2

I'm using Debian Etch and do have linux-kernel-headers and kernel-package. How do I make it work?

Error: gnu/stubs-32.h: No such file or directory when using "make menuconfig" or "make xconfig"
The only things I can think of is that file is supposed to be on your system and is missing, the kernel source you got has a problem, or you have something in an environment variable that confuses it. Can't be any more help, sorry.

The Debian website has some very active forums, you might get better help there.


Where can I download FREE ebooks / tutorials about Visual C++ 6.0?

I prefer MFC. I do NOT do console, .NET, GNU, VB6, C#, or anything else that is useless. I also do not have VC7 or VC8. For those of you who always think these questions are mistyped, VC6 is NOT the same thing as VB6 ... Oh, and I despise MSDN, because it has become TOTALLY USELESS unless you're into VB6, C#, or .NET. If I see the 'Scribble' or 'Hello World' tutorials one more time I think I'll scream ... I'm at an intermediate level, so I probably need more of an API reference for VC6, rather than a 'Beginner Tutorial', although every lil' bit helps ... thanks all ...

Where can I download FREE ebooks / tutorials about Visual C++ 6.0?
wish I knew, its a b*tch trying to figure out how to do something in vc++. if you ever do find a good source for API's let me know!

you asked earlier about how to place an image anywhere on the screen. you said the code I posted didnt work. sorry but its been a while since I have done that, but I do have a simple app that will do what you wanted. it only works for bmp images though. if you want it, email me and ill send the project to you. its in vc++ visual studio 6.0.

go on tutorial book, type in visual basic c++ and search.

eassy isn't it

How malloc() C standard function handling by arm assembler or gnu assembler?


My c compiler keeps showing error something about GNU make what should i do?

May be you can contact a C expert at websites like

My c compiler keeps showing error something about GNU make what should i do?
The first thing you should do is sharpen your observational skills by getting the exact message, either by writing it down or, if possible, making a screen capture of it.. Computer programming requires more precision than "error something about GNU make."

How to compile C(gnu) progs on winAVR?

Ask here


Can anyone give me a source code which would work in ANSI C or GNU C but not in Turbo C?

I don't have a source code example to hand but check out and specifically

I'd stick with GCC it overtook TurboC in functionality years ago, I used to like the DOS IDE that TurboC used, but you can have a far more powerful IDE using emacs and gcc together.

Why do you ask this question? Are you having a debate with a teacher or something?

Can anyone give me a source code which would work in ANSI C or GNU C but not in Turbo C?
Turbo C and GNU C are both implementation of the ANSI C standard. Anything that is legal ANSI C will compile in either one. That said, every compiler adds extensions to the language, these will probably not work in other compilers. The often quoted example is the library "conio.h" that is in Turbo C but not in standard ANSI C. So any call that uses "conio.h" will compile under TURBO C but not another ANCI C compiler like gcc.

How to know all about GNU C++ headers and the functions they contain?

libstdc++ 3 and 2.9

gcc version 4.1.x or 4.2.x

How to know all about GNU C++ headers and the functions they contain?
This should keep you happy and busy for awhile. It covers every c++ header file.
Reply: is the best reference for C++ programmers.

What is GNU C? where can i download it?

GNU C library will come with GNU systems by default. It provides all the basic c functions like malloc, free, getchar, ....

GNU is a complete, Unix-like operating system that has been in development for just over twenty years.

What is GCC ( GNU C++ Compiler ) ? what does it do ?

I need full explanation of GNU .. i mean what it is acyually for ..

What is GCC ( GNU C++ Compiler ) ? what does it do ?
yes, gcc works on windoze. You can even cross-compile linux programs using gcc on windoze (i.e., run a gcc on windoze on a program source to generate a linux (or any other supported architecture for that matter) executable). So, yes, you can do all the same stuff with it you can on a normal OS.

Also, gcc is not just a "C/C++" compiler. The abbreviation "gcc" stands for "GNU compiler collection". It compiles C, C++, Fortran, Java, Ada, Objective-C, and some other languages.

Finally, linux and BSD aren't really "GNU operating systems", although, a large portion of their software (such as most shell file manipulation utilities and programming tools - awk,make,tar,gzip,grep,gdb etc) has indeed been developed by GNU project, but kernels (that actually define the "OS" for all practical purposes - that's what essetially makes, say, linux different from BSD, while both are running gnu software on top of their respective kernels. MAC OS btw, is a BSD too)are independent developments.

The X servers, used by various *nix flavours are also created by an project, separate from GNU, called "X concortium"
Reply:It all started in 1983, when the ideea of creating a Unix-like operating system came to life. GNU comes from "GNU's not UNIX".

All software that have been developed under GNU project were absolutely free, and this included not only entire operating systems (like Linux, BSD, ReactOS and so on) but other applications as well (X server, system kernels, boot managers, office applications...)

GCC is GNU C/C++ compiler, so a compiler for C language that will run on GNU compatible operating systems. Not only that it's absolutely free to use and modify, but it's also one of the best C compilers out there.

As I already said it works only on Linux, BSD and other compatible OS, but it was also ported to windows as well (of course it had to be adapted to windows structure so doesn't mean that everything you can do with gcc on Linux ofr example you can do in windows and vice vers).

For a list of compilers adapted after gcc look here:
Reply:You are not going to get it here for 2 points. Find google.

A compiler is a special program which takes a program which someone has written and converts it into a final executable program. All executable programs of any size are compiled, whether in Windows or Unix or Linux.


Opening, Reading and Writing a file in GNU C++ Linux?

Can anyone please tell me how to open, read and write a file in GNU C++ under linux. I just need to know which libraries are used and a little documentation on them.

Opening, Reading and Writing a file in GNU C++ Linux?
Nothing prevents you from using standard C++. Open, read, and write files the same way you would under standard C++ on Windows. fopen, fprintf, or whatever are still valid.

Is there a question you had that standard C++ references and tutorials aren't able to answer?

GNU C++ compiler for Ubuntu Edgy?

How can I install the GNU C++ compiler for Ubuntu Edgy?

Is it inbuilt or do I have to download it? If it's inbuilt, what should I do to use it?

GNU C++ compiler for Ubuntu Edgy?
Hi, install these:

sudo apt-get install build-essential(s)

I am not sure whether its with or without the "s".

Good Luck!

Installing the GNU C++ that comes with C++ for Dummies 4th Edition?

I am haveing trouble installing the GNU C++ program that comes on the disk with C++ for Dummies 4th edition. there is no .exe file inside any of the folders on the disk therefore how am i meant to install it? i read the read me but thats jsut as confuseing im running windows XP and would realley like to use this as i want to learn C++ but cant get the right environment as it cant be installed!

Installing the GNU C++ that comes with C++ for Dummies 4th Edition?
Forget about GNU. There is much better and it is free:

Get the DEV- C++ 5. Works for C %26amp; C++ programming. User friendly. And it will work with your book.
Reply:Go to the gnu website and download from there.

You may also want to try cygwin or mingX to build a suitable environment.